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What Jobs Can I Get with a Geoscience Degree?

Publish date: Sep 01, 2021

Topic: Geoscience | The future of work | ThinkOnward Projects | ThinkOnward Challenges & Bounties

Many people who study geoscience love spending time in nature. They were drawn to the field because they are inspired by nature, enjoy observing it and question all that is presented to them on this Earth. But after your education is complete, what can you actually do with a geoscience degree? 

Some excellent geoscience career options include: 

  • Geoscientist 

  • Engineering geologist 

  • Geochemist 

  • Hydrogeologist 

  • Drilling engineer 

  • Environmental engineer 

  • Sustainability consultant 

Read more about a few of these jobs below and learn about opportunities with Onward for people with geoscience degrees. 

Geoscientists and geochemists 

Some consider geoscientists as the bread and butter of the oil and gas industry. The mixing of different data types, working with qualitative and quantitative data, dealing with uncertainty, being able to zoom out to 15 kilometers and zoom in to 15 nanometers — geoscientists understand how to do these things, and that makes them versatile problem solvers. 

Geochemists are more specialized, but equally focused on innovation. A geochemist uses advanced analytical approaches to track with great accuracy the signature of specific underground fluids, their origin and migration histories and more. They play a big role in ensuring the safety of underground waters. 

Sustainability consultants 

Sustainability is a major concern for industries all across the world, so the need for sustainability consultants is rising. There is significant opportunity for growth in this field, and having a background in geology and earth sciences will be incredibly important when helping organizations meet their sustainability goals in the future. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports employment of geoscientists is projected to grow 5 percent from 2019 to 2029, faster than the average for all occupations. 

Geoscientists and Onward 

If you study geoscience, the Onward platform provides many opportunities to use your skills. You can join a remote exploration project or compete in a challenge to learn data science or create software solutions for your field.  

We’re also always looking for new talent to join the Onward team. View our current open positions.  

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