LATEST BLOG POST: Dynamic Rhythms: The Data Science Challenge of Predicting Power Outages

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ThinkOnward Challenges

Achieve breakthroughs with the collective intelligence from our global data science community.

ThinkOnward Challenges

Achieve breakthroughs with the collective intelligence from our global data science community.

Leverage crowd wisdom. Gain new perspectives. Achieve breakthroughs.

Challenges enable you to explore new possibilities, build, troubleshoot, or optimize data science models with crowdsourced intelligence. These competitions are built by our team to target your problem with unique insights from our data science community.

Wherever you are on the journey, we can bring fresh perspectives and approaches that accelerate your decisions, leveraging expert guidance and collective insight. We can build a solution to get you into the AI/ML game, unblock your team, or improve your existing model.

Expert Guidance

Our team has the energy industry background and AI/ML expertise to guide and deliver your challenge.

Collective Intelligence

Engage our community beyond and across specializations and industries for fresh perspectives and solutions.

Customized Innovation

Challenges are built for your specifications and unique problems.

How challenges work

Define the problem

Identify the challenge you want our community to tackle, whether it's getting unstuck, exploring new models, or out of the box thinking.

Launch your challenge

Collaborate with us to frame and launch a unique data science and AI challenge.

Promote your challenge

We post the challenge on our community platform and manage all the promotions.

Get world-class solutions

We rigorously evaluate submissions (with your input, if preferred) to find winning solutions for your organization.

Let us help you move onward to:

  • Fine-tune solutions for better, faster performance
  • Bring new perspectives to the table
  • Break through roadblocks with fresh ideas
  • Solve the seemingly unsolvable with a curious community
Get started

Case study

A challenge sponsor approached ThinkOnward with ambitious ideas for geophysics models. Our challenges team swiftly crafted and launched four distinct data science challenges, each tackling a different aspect of the central problem. Within five weeks, these challenges were ready. And, three months later, the sponsor was actively leveraging solutions from various community members to drive geophysical innovation.

Let us help

With so many other problems to solve, why not let our community take a few off your plate?

Let us help. With so many other problems to solve, why not let our community take a few off your plate?

Sponsor a Challenge