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Shell Global Helpline

We are judged by how we act: our reputation is upheld by how we put into practice our core values of honesty, integrity and respect for people. These values underpin our Shell General Business Principles and the Shell Code of Conduct. Our Global Helpline allows employees and stakeholders to raise concerns and report instances of potential non-compliance with our values and principles. 

The Shell Global Helpline is not for customer complaints or enquiries. 

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What is the Shell Global Helpline?
The Global Helpline enables Shell employees and others to raise concerns or dilemmas, or to seek advice on a matter related to compliance with the law and our business principles (SGBP) and Code of Conduct, in full confidence and without fear of retaliation. 

Who can use the Global Helpline?
The Global Helpline is for all employees and contract staff in Shell and for third parties with whom Shell has a business relationship (such as customers, suppliers, agents) if they observe wrongdoing by a Shell company or employee. This facility is not for customer service complaints or enquiries. 

How can I raise a query or concern via the Global Helpline?
The Global Helpline is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Calls and reports over the Helpline are received on behalf of Shell by an independent third party specialist Helpline provider. There are two ways to submit a report: 

1. Visit the Global Helpline website 

You can fill in a form to submit your query or concern. The website is available in 14 languages, including English, and is available to third parties as well as Shell employees. 

2. Call the Global Helpline in your country (PDF, 101 kB) 

You can call the helpline without a charge, from any country in which Shell operates. If requested an interpreter can be brought into the call to assist the English-speaking interviewer. If a prompt for the required language is not heard, say the name of the required language when you connect to the interviewer. 

What will happen when I contact the Global Helpline?
You can communicate anonymously, by identifying yourself and asking to communicate with just one person without your name being recorded or you can provide your name and contact details. Provide as much information as possible about your concern but keep it relevant, especially if you are making an allegation about another person. 

At the end of the telephone interview or submission of a web report, you will be given a report number and PIN code so you may call back or access the website to check if there is a response from the company, or to provide additional information. Both reporting a concern on the web or by phone will result in a report that is passed to Shell. 

What happens to a report when received by Shell? 

Your report is passed to a Regional Coordinator who will assess the report and allocate to a Case Manager to decide the appropriate action. 

If the report is a query, or perhaps a dilemma for which advice is sought, it will be passed to someone qualified to provide that advice, such as an appointed expert in the subject or a member of our legal team. 

If the report is in the nature of an allegation that requires careful investigation, an investigator or investigation team will be assigned. This will usually involve a suitably-trained investigator from the country to which the report refers, who has local expertise. 

If the reported incident requires expertise not available within Shell, an outside expert may be involved under similar strict confidentiality. Details of the case, and especially the identity of the person who made the report and any persons mentioned in the report, are kept confidential and only shared on a strict need-to-know basis. The investigation itself will focus on an objective, factual analysis of the case. In the event that an allegation has been found to be true, the local operating company will decide on the action or actions to be taken. 


For additional information and/or inquiries: SHELL GLOBAL HELPLINE