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Finding Your Explorer Path Header

Finding Your Explorer Path & How to Win Work

Publish date: Sep 01, 2021

Topic: Geoscience | Entrepreneurship | The future of work

Advancing your career in geology can be a difficult process. It’s hard to know where to start. What next steps should you take? How do you create a company that will last? What about marketing and brand-building? 

In Onward’s webinar, Finding Your Explorer Path and How to Win Work, we explored how to establish your brand, communicate what you do, and win work with competitive compensation. 

The details

Alice Hildick, Head of Operations at Onward, and David Thul, Co-Founder and CEO at Geolumina, created a Venn diagram as a framework to find your explorer path so you can: 

  • Distinguish yourself from the pack 

  • Determine your core values and what contracting work you want to do 

  • Build an MVP to showcase your skills 

  • Figure out what to charge clients 

  • Start marketing your brand to win work 

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ThinkOnward is a platform of innovation and collaboration focused on the energy sector. We’re creating a hub for the “thinkers” and "doers" who want to foster new ideas, leverage and use powerful data and tools, and collaborate with the best scientific minds, together with innovators committed to accelerating the commercial success of energy solutions. 

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